Tuesday, June 10, 2008

impeachment resolution

At this very moment in Washington, the Clerk of the United States House of Representatives is reading Rep. Dennis Kucinich's 35-count impeachment resolution. According to C-SPAN television, the Clerk began the reading at 8:25pm ET; it is now 11:04pm ET; the Clerk is currently reading Article 26. The resolution takes up virtually the entire House Congressional record, spanning 20 pages with three columns of text per page.

I had come across Kucinich reading his resolution in its entirety on the House floor last night; by the time I saw him speaking, he was about half-way through (it was about 10pm). What I find the most remarkable, though, is that none of the mainstream media, except for a smattering of blurbs by a few of them here and there, seem to be paying much attention to it.

Why not?


Steve S said...

"Why not?"

Hm. Probably for the same reason that the MSM hasn't been paying much attention to Ralph Nader's presidential bid this go-round: it's a largely empty gesture with little to no support, and one that will have very little impact except on one man's ego.

Had this been introduced by a major player, it could well have gotten some traction. But the way the thing was brought up, it's just hot air.

Anonymous said...

It was on the front of cnn.com ... uh...